GIS (2) academic writing (2) batch conversion (4) batch download (1) citation management (2) command line (2) data extraction (4) data formats (3) geographical data (2) georeferencing (1) gephi (1) gis (1) git (1) git-bash (1) (1) images (1) jupyter notebook (1) latex (1) markdown (1) pandoc (1) powershell (2) python (5) qgis (1) re (1) regex (6) regular expressions (6) sna (1) social network analysis (1) syllabus (1) terminal (2) test (1) text (1) text analysis (4) text extraction (4) topic modeling (1) version control (1) webscraping (1) wget (1) word (1) xml (2) zotero (2)

 GIS (2)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)

 academic writing (2)

L04 Citation Management and Academic Writing
L01 Citation Management and Academic Writing

 batch conversion (4)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)

 batch download (1)

L07 Webscraping

 citation management (2)

L04 Citation Management and Academic Writing
L01 Citation Management and Academic Writing

 command line (2)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration
L02 “Off with the Interface!”

 data extraction (4)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)

 data formats (3)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data

 geographical data (2)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)

 georeferencing (1)

L05 Georeferencing with QGIS

 gephi (1)

L13 Social Network Analysis (SNA)

 gis (1)

L05 Georeferencing with QGIS

 git (1)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration

 git-bash (1)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration (1)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration

 images (1)

Post 2 - Vienna

 jupyter notebook (1)

L12 Topic Modeling

 latex (1)

L04 Citation Management and Academic Writing

 markdown (1)

L04 Citation Management and Academic Writing

 pandoc (1)

L04 Citation Management and Academic Writing

 powershell (2)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration
L02 “Off with the Interface!”

 python (5)

L12 Topic Modeling
L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)

 qgis (1)

L05 Georeferencing with QGIS

 re (1)

L06 Regular Expressions

 regex (6)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)
L07 Webscraping
L06 Regular Expressions

 regular expressions (6)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)
L07 Webscraping
L06 Regular Expressions

 sna (1)

L13 Social Network Analysis (SNA)

 social network analysis (1)

L13 Social Network Analysis (SNA)

 syllabus (1)

070146 KU Methodenkurs (2019S)

 terminal (2)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration
L02 “Off with the Interface!”

 test (1)

Post3 - Test markdown

 text (1)

Post 2 - Vienna

 text analysis (4)

L13 Social Network Analysis (SNA)
L12 Topic Modeling
L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)

 text extraction (4)

L11 Text to Map (2/2)
L10 Text to Map (1/2)
L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)

 topic modeling (1)

L12 Topic Modeling

 version control (1)

L03 Version Control and Collaboration

 webscraping (1)

L07 Webscraping

 wget (1)

L07 Webscraping

 word (1)

L01 Citation Management and Academic Writing

 xml (2)

L09 Structuring Data
L08 Text Markup ([TEI] XML ...)

 zotero (2)

L04 Citation Management and Academic Writing
L01 Citation Management and Academic Writing